Edwin St

Ellalong Rd

Portfolio Renovations

How I stay organised

April 29, 2015

Filed in: Business

When you run your own business, you’ve got to be pretty damn organised. There are client projects to track, suppliers to schedule, products to purchase, and invoices to send. Not to mention a husband, son and two dogs to keep in line at home! (I’m kidding! Sort of…!). When it comes to keeping everything organised – my schedule, my tasks, my deadlines – there are a few things I like to do.

So how do I stay organised?

I am a fan of the following applications!


Notion is a fantastic app that helps me the most with staying organised. It helps me manage multiple projects simultaneously with to-do lists, file sharing, chatting, messages, calendars and time tracking. I can include a breakdown of everything I need to complete and tick it off as I work through everything. Currently, I am going through a branding process for the new course I am launching at the end of July. Notion is excellent for scheduling all that is part of the project and then communicating each stage and the results with everyone involved. It keeps a record of all the communication and step-by-step developments.

Regarding other design projects, I have set up a template for the design process I follow. This is great as you have a template ready and set up, and my clients have an insight into the process and what to expect…so there are no surprises.


“Reminders” is an app on my mac, like a handy notebook. I use this for any ideas that pop into my head. It is also great for organising what I need to focus on outside work. I have folders such as…. Books to read…Videos to watch…and podcasts to listen to. I love learning and often do online courses. Currently, I am working with a fabulous group of women, and we are all focused on one thing, which is to develop a fantastic course as part of our business. “Reminders” keeps me alerted with what I have taken on and if I have scheduled any due dates for tasks that need to be actioned. This is my notebook, whereas Basecamp is my actual project action planner with my list of to-dos.


Then I use Excel to set up my yearly and monthly goals. I use Tony Robbins’s RPM (Rapid planning method) to clarify my goals. You can find out more here. This allows me to focus on the results I am after, get clear on my purpose, and then create my massive action plan. I create additional tabs within the one document that helps me record ideas and resources to help me achieve my goal.

Dropbox and Google Drive

On my computer, I am a fan of Dropbox and Google Drive. All my folders are organised in Dropbox, and as a backup, I transfer a copy and any archived folders to Google drive.


For all my accounts and invoicing, I use Xero, an easy-to-use accounting software for small businesses. As someone who would instead design interiors than manage accounting software, Xero has been fantastic.

Having all the above resources is great, but what I have found helpful is when I pre-plan each week in advance and then each day with my top 3 goals. Having a plan keeps me motivated, so on days when I feel crappy, I refer back to my top 3 goals, and if I need further reassurance, I refer to my RPM, which has my purpose written to remind me of why I want to achieve my goals.

I would love to hear from you! What systems work for you, and how do you stay organised?

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