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Personal Brand: Do You Really Need One?

July 31, 2018

Filed in: Branding

Personal branding is gaining more and more momentum these days as more and more business owners decide to move away from the confines of working within a corporate role instead to working for themselves. The freedom that comes with working for oneself becomes the undeniable “shiny object”.

So why create a “Personal Brand”?

It is an opportunity to position and market your business in a way that can be so powerful. That being said, if you are not positioned as a “standout” leader in your niche, no matter what your incredible offer or “superpower is, your voice will get lost amongst all the noise of your competitors.

Having a powerful personal brand is about positioning yourself uniquely where “who you are”, “how you model your work”, and your “Voice” become your most powerful asset. A personal brand is “How you package and market yourself as if you are your brand”.

Stepping into a personal brand?

Over the past few years, I have tried and tested many ways to position myself as a personal brand in a way that has felt aligned. To do so, I went on a growth trajectory to understand myself better with how I could leverage “who I was” in a way that would serve me and others going forward.

My journey of wanting my business to be seen and heard was assisting me in a more significant way. With every decision, whether a blog post, a new e-course, or a new product, I explored my ability, talents, strengths and capacity to make a difference to others. But the overriding barometer was how I could create a sustainable business that would feel right and propel me each day into serving without feeling the drudgery I had felt when working for others in corporate.

Building a business online was so attractive, but I became stuck trying to understand who and what I could offer that felt aligned.

After all this intensely personal work, I spent countless hours researching and exploring what it meant to have a personal brand. A brand that was not only uniquely reflective of the person behind the brand but also uniquely reflective of what “I” had to offer. When you can connect with the sweet spot of what this is, it can be compelling for your business.

I believe that to alter the trajectory of your business, it is essential to get clarity with what your brand looks and feels like from the start and to be mindful that when you do this, no one else but you has the answers.

Personal brand or a name brand?

What has stood out for me is that everything comes back to basics. It is about connecting and sharing a straightforward message of who you are, what you believe and what you stand for. Your message will ultimately dictate whether you should create “a personal or name brand”. After this, it is about projecting your message in a powerful way that connects with your tribe. 

Your identity will mirror your brand’s purpose, values and personality, and it becomes easier to connect with your target market when you are aligned. Having clarity will give you a powerful tool to sense-check all decisions in your business. It will be easier to communicate with more spontaneity and continuity of what your brand is all about.

Building a strong strategic brand will build you a powerful asset – as brands drive business.

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